concept by Daniela Pălimariu
[English below / Română mai jos]周四开业,2019年10月10日,17:00—21:00丹尼埃拉 帕里玛尤、莉丽安娜 巴瑟洛布、克里斯蒂安 拉杜塔、亚力克赞度 尼克莱斯库只卖一种产品的甜品店--但这里的每一件都是独一无二的。甜品师糖摄入过量,顾客们的抱怨都充耳不闻。店内装饰三心二意地试图融入周边艺术区的当代美学。制作过程虽然未必存在,却有下脚料被制成了可售的小饰品。北京甜品店为短暂和精准的日子营造出完美的情绪,同时选用稀里糊涂的果冻质感以便使味道与外观产生错乱。在充足的质感、色彩、艺术和手工艺的包围中,甜品店用最少的原料提供一次清晰准时的经历。中罗友谊大食堂于2018年在北京启动并向着由团结支配的美好未来而去。每年不止一次的跨洲展览互动交流,这一长期项目会在双方的互助中成长。
joi, 10 octombrie 2019, 17:00 - 21:00expoziția este deschisă în perioada 10 octombrie - 10 noiembrie 2019Daniela Pălimariu, Liliana Basarab, Cristian Răduță, Alexandru NiculescuKonditorei își anunță glorios deschiderea primului punct de lucru în Beijing!O cofetărie cu un singur fel de prăjituri – dar în care fiecare prăjitură este unică. Un cofetar care a luat o supradoză de zahăr și devine apatic la comentariile clienților. O tentativă semi-abandonată de a decora spațiul în ton cu zona artistică în care se află. Resturile unui posibil proces de gătire a deserturilor, transformate în bibelouri.Beijing Konditorei creează cadrul perfect pentru întâlniri scurte și precise, însă se folosește de textura imprecisă a jeleului pentru a crea confuzie între aspect și gust. În mijlocul unei abundențe de texturi, de culori, de artă și artizanat, Konditorei folosește minimul de ingrediente pentru a oferi o experiență punctuală clară.The Great Romania – China Friendship Cafeteria a început în Beijing în 2018 și se îndreaptă către un viitor luminos guvernat de solidaritate. Mai mult decât un schimb anual inter-continental de expoziții, proiectul se construiește pe termen lung prin grija reciprocă față de vulnerabilitatea celuilalt.Partener: CLC Gallery Venture Beijing
Sandwich a început prin a folosi potențialul ascuns al unui spațiu rezidual de 1.5x8 metri, aflat între două construcții utilitare, și se extinde încet dar constant. Având convingerea că orice constrângere este de fapt o resursă pentru găsirea soluției optime, sandwich transformă caracteristicile spațiului ales în limite constructive. Sandwich funcționează ca spațiu de artă din 2016.
Thursday, 10 October 2019, 17:00 - 21:00Exhibition open 10 October - 10 November 2019Daniela Pălimariu, Liliana Basarab, Cristian Răduță, Alexandru NiculescuKonditorei gloriously announces the opening of its first location in Beijing!A cake shop with only one type of cakes – but where each cake is unique. A confectioner that took an overdose of sugar and has become deaf to customers' complaints. A semi-abandoned attempt at decorating the space in the style of the art zone surrounding it. Remains of an improbable cooking process that were made into trinkets.Beijing Konditorei creates the perfect mood for short and precise dates, while using the imprecise texture of jelly in order to create confusion between looks and taste. Surrounded by an abundance of textures, colors, art and handicraft, Konditorei uses the minimum of ingredients in order to offer a clear punctual experience.The Great Romania – China Friendship Cafeteria started in Beijing in 2018 and is headed for a bright future governed by solidarity. More than an annual inter-continental exchange of exhibitions, the long-term project is nourished with care for each other's vulnerability.Partner: CLC Gallery Venture Beijing
Sandwich started off by using the hidden potential of a residual space with the proportion of 1.5 by 8 meters, found in-between two utilitarian buildings, and is slowly but constantly expanding. Strongly believing that any restraint is a resource for finding the ultimate solution, sandwich converts the characteristics of the chosen space into constructive limits. Sandwich works as an art space since 2016.
29 Băiculești Street - Combinatul Fondului Plastic, Bucharest, Romaniahttp://sandwichgallery.roCLC Gallery Venture BeijingE02, Qixing East Street, 798 Art District, Chaoyang District, Beijing,
Evenimentul face parte din Proiectul “The Great Romania – China Friendship Cafeteria”.
Proiect cultural co-finanţat de Administraţia Fondului Cultural Naţional.
Proiectul nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia Administrației Fondului Cultural Național. AFCN nu este responsabilă de conținutul proiectului sau de modul în care rezultatele proiectului pot fi folosite. Acestea sunt în întregime responsabilitatea beneficiarului finanțării.
This event is part of the Project “The Great Romania – China Friendship Cafeteria”.
A cultural project co-funded by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund.
The project does not necessarily represent the position of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund. The AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or the manner in which the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the funding recipient.
Copyright © 2019 sandwich, All rights reserved.
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C5CNM是一个地处北京798艺术区的实验性艺术空间。长宽4.75 x 5.25米,挑高 3.5米,它小而独特的空间比例适合艺术家将展览整体视作一件作品去构想。C5CNM的空间本身即是一件作品,有意违背了当代艺术展示空间中使用的中性和纯粹性的白盒子原则。艺术家金宁宁的设计是种交互性质的邀请,如同创造一个游戏环境。参展的艺术家需要考虑在他人的世界中实现自己意图,在合作或抗拒中找到新的展示方式。今天的艺术可以是任何媒介和形式,更不回避矛盾的混合与身份叠加。如果这份自由是真诚的,它何尝不能成为一种新的展览方式的起点。C5CNM为这一开放性的实践增加了新的筹码:一个本身即是艺术作品的背景,与之后发生的一切在时间和空间中产生混合,成为新的一体,从而视觉体验被给予声学的特征。空间从2019年春天开放以来,已呈现多个当代艺术展览和前卫音乐演出的项目,并以“画廊airbnb”的方式与非营利机构合作。我们希望对开放性的追求不止步于视觉艺术领域。C5CNM是一个可以7天24小时向公众开放的空间,来访者通过扫码发送请求索取当天的电子锁密码,获得随时进入展厅与作品相处权限。
C5CNM is an experimental space located in 798 Art District in Beijing. It measures 4.75 by 5.25 meters and 3.5 meters in ceiling height. Its modest though beautiful proportions invite artists to conceive an exhibition as one singular art work. C5CNM is an art work in itself, in violation of the modernist orthodoxy of the white box. The spatial design by artist Jin Ningning is an interactive invitation like a gaming environment, in which artists find themselves realizing their ideas inside another’s framework, necessarily improvising in compliance or resistance to given conditions.The present interdisciplinary scope of art allows overlapping identities and combining opposites. That this freedom is genuine and can become the foundational principle of a new type of exhibition. C5CNM embraces this plasticity and offers a compelling proposal to raise the stakes. The gallery space is itself a multifaceted and transformational artwork that mixes with the different occurrences that take place within, giving visual experience also an “acoustic” complexity.Since its opening in Spring 2019 C5CNM has transitioned between exhibition space, live performance venue, and “air b-n-b gallery” for non-profits, and it is open to many more interpretations (functions). We hope this quest for unlimited freedom will attract creative individuals or collaboratives from beyond the field of visual art to produce works. We can not anticipate the forms this may take, but only look forward.C5CNM is free and open to the public 24/7. Visitors may enter the space by acquiring the electronic lock combination any time of the day or night and are welcome to spend time alone with the work.
北京市朝阳区798艺术区七星东街E03栋 C5CNM+86
C5CNM+86, Building E03, Qixing East Street, 798 Art District, Chaoyang District, Beijing
开放时间:周二至周六 11:00-18:00
Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday 11:00-18:00